New Beginnings

AcroYoga and My Life

When beginning to blog about personal life, you either start with the beginning of life (or as much as you can remember) or at the current moment in time. To best explain my situation and how I got to where I am today, I’ll begin with the now.

What is AcroYoga?

For those of you kind enough to be reading this in the early beginnings of my blog, I would like to share with you the heart-felt meaning behind Acro for me. First of all, AcroYoga can be loosely defined as partner acrobatics. It is a physical activity that blends key poses in Yoga with acrobatic elements for a more dynamic and partner-oriented practice. As seen from an outside perspective, it can be incredibly daunting and intimidating even to the most well-practiced Yogis.

Where Does This Fit in With My Life?

AcroYoga takes up 90% of my mental energy. The level of involvement that I’m at is staggering; I’ve never been so devoted to one thing in my entire life. I currently manage a small business’s (Arkansas AcroYoga) social media presence and website, as well as serving as the president for the recognized student organization ConwayAcroBears. Each of these roles include a plethora of responsibilities I juggle every day, which include but are not limited to creating effective and meaningful content for any social media sites, updating old information on our website, hosting social events on campus, and so much more. From the beginning of my college career (hardly attending any events on campus and avoiding nearly all opportunities to make friends), to today where I’m the leader of an quickly expanding RSO on campus, the change is like night and day.

My Journey, Your Ride

Throughout the course of this personal blog you’ll receive the second closest possible narration of my journey through life, next to mine of course. What makes me wake up in the morning and keeps a reoccurring smile on my face? Who do I have to thank for where I am today? All of the questions and so many more will be answered here. I hope you enjoy.

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