My Thoughts on Blogging

Thoughts and Feelings on Blogging

I’ve been itching to start my own blog for several months now. I’ve seen the success stories of stay at home moms making $10,000+ a month from their full time blogs, and traveling college students making enough passive income to pay for their plane tickets around the world. Over the past year I’ve come to the conclusion that a lifestyle similar to those is along the lines of what I want. The freedom to work at home, make a living sharing what I love, and having the ability to travel and see as much of the world as possible is what I desire. So, how do I get started building a name for myself in the digital world?

Options, Options, Options

When browsing the web for free website domains or drag and drop editors, you’re presented with many options, and often times a lot of them don’t make sense. What the heck is WooCommerce and why should I have to pay to get branding taken off of my own blog? Why isn’t everything free? These questions, and thousands others are ones that have circulated through my and many others’ minds at some point in time, and it is my goal within the next year to answer as many as possible. (We’ll touch on the topic of which website platform is best for you in the future)

Help Me, Help You

I believe very strongly in treating others the way you want to be treated, and that giving to others less fortunate than you can bring abundant amounts of happiness to your life. As you’ll learn throughout this blog, there are many more reasons why I’m sitting here sharing my experiences with you. Reasons that have shaped me into the teacher that I am today. Ever since I began practicing AcroYoga (we’ll go more in depth with this topic at a later date) I’ve learned that you don’t need to be an expert to teach others. After nearly an entire year into this activity, I have days where I consider myself the teacher in the group, and others I’m back to square one learning something new. Similar to my experiences with AcroYoga, there are certain technological areas that I consider myself to be relatively above average in, and these are the ones that I’m choosing to share with you in this process. Let’s begin, shall we?

Deciding If Blogging Is For You

Much like picking up a new instrument or teaching yourself to knit, blogging takes time to settle in. Unless you’re a natural story teller and can write for hours on end, you may take some time to find your niche. For the past couple of weeks, I have been making it a goal of mine to write each day (or as often as I can) about my daily experiences. Now I probably won’t share every single entry that I’ve written, but this goal helps me get into the habit of coming up with new content for my blog. Just like I have done for myself, challenge yourself to begin journaling your daily or weekly experiences. There are life lessons to be shared that you don’t even think about. You have so much more knowledge and wisdom to share to thousands of potential readers.

In Summary

With all of these things in mind, you should have a slightly better understanding of my purpose here. Just like each and everyone of you reading this right now, I have the potential to change so many people’s lives with my own personal experiences. Whether that’s positive encouragement or sharing the skills to become a great leader, the possibilities are limitless.

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